Dong Quai is typically found growing in damp mountain ravines, meadows, river banks, and coastal areas with greenish-white flowers bloom from May to August. The roots are employed for medicinal use. ¡¡ Functions Dong quai has long been referred to as ¡°female ginseng¡± for many years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dong quai is often included in herbal combinations for abnormal menstruation, suppressed menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea(painful menstruation), and uterine bleeding. It is not used in TCM for treating symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flashes. It is also used in TCM for both men and women with cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure and problems with peripheral circulation. Traditionally, dong quai is believed to have a balancing or ¡°adaptogenic¡± effect on the female hormonal system. Contrary to the opinion of some authors, dong quai does not qualify as a phytoestrogen and does not appear to have any hormone-like actions in the body. This is partially supported by a double-blind trial with menopausal women that found no estrogenic activity for the herb. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dong quai is rarely used alone and is typically used in combination with herbs such as peony and ligusticum for conditions such as menstrual cramps. Dong quai has been traditionally used as a way to promote formation of red blood cells, an effect partially supported in a case study of a man with kidney failure who had a significant improvement in anemia due to dialysis while drinking a tea composed of dong quai and peony. |